2021 40 Under 40 Winners

2019 40 Under 40 Logo

Claire M. Johnson

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Center City, Minnesota

Why is a 40 under 40 winner

  • Claire’s effort to build, develop and implement new internal processes has resulted in annual revenue growth of $5.2 million for the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation since 2017
  • She is the chair of the Everyday CARES Committee, an interdepartmental, organization-wide initiative dedicated to providing an optimal patient and family experience and making Hazelden Betty Ford the best possible place to work
  • Claire has developed professionally from managing a team of annual gift officers to leading strategy for donors giving $100,000 or more a year

Q & A

1. How did you get into healthcare philanthropy?

Access to care is incredibly important to me. When the opportunity to join the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation team arose, I jumped at the chance. So many people in our world are suffering from the crippling disease of addiction. Philanthropy plays a critical role in our ability to not only offer care to those who cannot afford it, but also allows us to be on the cutting edge of research, training future physicians, and supporting children, families, and communities. My passion for the work I do is fueled each and every day by those who have bravely faced the journey of recovery and I am forever grateful for my position at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.

2. Tell us about a pivot point or crucial step in your career journey.

Several years ago, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation embarked on a multi-million dollar campaign to raise funds for a capital expansion project in St. Paul, MN. As you might imagine, the first several million dollars were "easy" to raise, but as we drew near to our fundraising deadline, we found ourselves with a big gap to close. Through creativity, perseverance, and INCREDIBLE donor generosity, we met our goal, and today have the most beautiful space for our patients. It fills me with enormous gratitude each time I visit that campus and see our dedicated clinicians changing lives. 

3. What piece of advice would you give aspiring 40 Under 40 recipients?

Approach your work with curiosity and kindness.  

Fun Fact:

I love theater! When I was younger, I acted in several productions and would love to get back into it one day!

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