2018 40 Under 40 Winners

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Anne M. Cannon

Norton Healthcare
Louisville, KY

Why is a 40 under 40 winner

  1. She single-handedly drove the creation of a donor relations program at Norton Healthcare, identifying the need, researching best practices and making the case internally. Today, she leads that program.
  2. She led two new events that have grown into the Foundation’s most popular. One, Bourbon & Bowties, started with just 100 attendees. Today, it draws over 1,400 participants and generates over $260,000 in net revenue.
  3. A second event, Bike to Beat Cancer, grew from a first-year loss of almost $20k 10 years ago to a net of nearly $500,000 today.
  4. Anne started at Norton Healthcare 11 years ago as an intern and has stayed with the organization ever since, rising to coordinator, specialist, manager and now the director level.

Q & A

  1. How did you get into health care philanthropy?

    When I was a freshman in college, I was reading the paper and ran across a profile of one of the healthcare leaders at Norton Children’s Hospital.  I knew at that moment that I wanted to serve our children’s hospital.  I cut out the article to remind myself of my ultimate dream job and set my course to achieve it.  I took healthcare communication and marketing courses and healthcare internships that ultimately led me to the Children’s Hospital Foundation and Norton Healthcare Foundation.

  2. Why did you choose to make health care philanthropy your career?

    My mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was a baby, my grandfather suffered a debilitating stroke when I was eight and my father is a two-time cancer survivor.  Starting at a young age, I watched the care and compassion my family received, and it inspired me to choose a path in health care.  I knew that my path was not to serve at the bedside, but to support those who do provide care for patients and their families.  After being a part of the Norton Healthcare family for 11 years, I could not imagine serving a greater cause than helping the children and families of our community care for their bodies, minds and spirits.

  3. What has been the #1 factor in your career success so far?

    My team has undoubtedly been the top the factor in my career successes so far.  My Chief Development Officer and Executive Directors have been wonderful mentors to me and challenged me to accomplish things I didn’t think were possible.   All of my colleagues are incredible, and together, we have been able to achieve our highest goals and set the “bar” higher for our local philanthropic community.  My team motivates me to give it my all each and every day. I also have an incredibly supportive husband and son who are always there to help (and volunteer!) along the way.

  4. What is your greatest passion and why?

    My greatest passion is the children and families we serve.  When I walk into our NICU, peek in the oncology unit’s playroom, or visit a young mother receiving chemotherapy treatment, it only takes a second for me to deepen my resolve to ensure they have the best care possible.  I think, “What if that were my child? My parent? My friend? Me?”   With this thought in mind, each day, as I work on one of my events or thank our donors, I strive to make sure I can make the greatest impact possible. 

  5. What are your future aspirations?
  6. I want to continue to serve our patients, families and caregivers at Norton Healthcare.  I also want to help grow our team and “pay it forward.”  I hope to be able to mentor and guide the next generation of young non-profit healthcare professionals to ensure that our children, patients and families continue to have access to life-transforming care.  To know that I helped plant a seed for those who come behind me would be the greatest legacy I could leave.

Anne Cannon

Fun Fact:

I enjoy traveling, boating and waterskiing with my family.