AHP Standards of Professional Conduct
Members of AHP are required to follow these strict standards in professional conduct, and have a responsibility to be upstanding examples of the healthcare fundraising profession to their employers, donors, and general public. Learn more >>
CEO Corner: Ethically Advancing Our Mission
AHP's CEO Alice Ayres reminds us of the importance of ethical fundraising as well as the immense gratitude patients are demonstrating in hospitals across the continent.
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Donor Bill of Rights
The Donor Bill of Rights was developed, adopted, and endorsed in 1993 by leading organizations in healthcare philanthropy, and continues to be a core tenet of our missions, practices, and contributions to the profession. Learn more >>
Fundraising Under HIPAA
Written for U.S. fundraising professionals, these practical guidelines provide the regulatory facts that support grateful patient fundraising activities, while examining real-life program scenarios, helping you achieve success while staying in HIPAA compliance. Download your free copy >>
How Prospect Research Benefits the Healthcare System
Recommendations on how to use prospect research, including wealth screening, to enable the greatest possible benefit to the organization’s mission while it is being conducted ethically. Read article >>
Member Profile: Steven A. Rum
Steven Rum is Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations at Johns Hopkins Medicine, as well as one of the authors of “Ethical Issues and Recommendations in Grateful Patient Fundraising and Philanthropy. In this interview, he provides further explanation and background to the publications' ethics guidelines. Read article >>