40 Under 40

Aaron Sanderson

Plan International Canada
Toronto, ON

Why is a 40 under 40 winner

  1. Aaron holds both the CFRE and FAHP credentials and was recently approved for ACFRE testing.
  2. Aaron recently joined the part-time faculty of Humber College’s Fundraising Management program.
  3. Aaron is the staff founder of the A Night of Miracles Gala for BC Children's Hospital, which is a unique event that engages the South Asian community in British Columbia. Since he started this initiative nine years ago, it has raised over $4.7 million for the hospital, and engaged a new, diverse donor community.
  4. He endowed a service award for undergraduate students at his alma mater, the University of British Columbia, to encourage future generations to give of their time in the service of others

Q & A

  1. How did you get into health care philanthropy?

    My first fundraising role was in prospect research at BC Children’s Hospital Foundation in Vancouver, BC. The role was a student internship arranged through my university, and after only a few summer months, I knew this was the sector in which I would build my career.

  2. Why did you choose to make health care philanthropy your career?

    Good health is fundamental to any advancement in society—whether it is breaking the cycle of poverty or achieving breakthroughs through research—health is essential for humankind to thrive.

  3. What has been the #1 factor in your career success so far?

    Learning from the experience and knowledge of my colleagues and mentors of all ages. I have quickly matured my professional practice by gleaning wisdom from their combined centuries of fundraising success and leadership.

  4. What is your greatest passion and why?

    The health and well-being of children is at the centre of every cause I have served. Unleashing the potential of the globe’s youngest is the way to transform the world in ways we cannot yet imagine.

  5. What are your future aspirations?
  6. I will continue to serve in leadership roles at dynamic, child-focused causes—eventually as CEO. I will also continue to contribute as a volunteer board member for organizations that are also important to me personally.

Aaron Sanderson

Fun Fact:

Potentially the youngest "Fellow" in AHP's history.