40 Under 40

Amelia Schofield

Alberta Health Services
Edmonton, AB

Why is a 40 under 40 winner

1. Amelia developed and managed several marketing campaigns on time and under budget, including the Jeremy Snook Memorial Car Raffle, which raised $97,000 in less than three weeks.

2. She led the Alberta Health Service’s first-ever campaign to celebrate the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ National Philanthropy Day, including an email and video to foundations from AHS’ President & CEO, a web story on AHS.ca and Insite (AHS’ employee website), a feature in Interchange (AHS’ internal newsletter for 100,000+ employees), and thank you letters to foundation donors.

3. Amelia leads communications to employees with AHS, Alberta Public Laboratories (APL) and Covenant Health related to foundation-ran lotteries. In 2017-18, support from these employees raised over $9 million toward healthcare initiatives across the province.

4. She launched a monthly newsletter for foundations called Focus on Giving which focuses sharing AHS and foundation-related news, providing resources for capacity building, and emphasizing relationship building among foundations.

Q & A

1. How did you get into health care philanthropy?

I’ve had a lifelong connection with the health care system. I was born with two serious health conditions, and spent a lot of time in hospital as a child. During that time, I saw firsthand how philanthropy could have a remarkable impact on health care. That, combined with other life experiences, inspired me to pursue a career in this sector.

2. Why did you choose to make health care philanthropy your career?

I find it incredibly fulfilling to work in this field, as it embodies many of my personal values of respect, gratitude and caring for others. As someone who has benefited greatly from the health care system, I also see it as a way of giving back. So much of what I experienced helped shape who I am, and I find working within this sector is one way of paying it forward.

3. Tell us about a pivot point or crucial step in your career journey.

Moving across the country to Alberta was absolutely pivotal in my career. I was in my early twenties and up until that point, had spent my entire life in Nova Scotia. The move was for a marketing and communications position with the Northern Lights Health Foundation, and was my first time working with a health foundation. I had an amazing mentor and was fortunate to have a number of opportunities many professionals don’t have that early in their careers. 

4. What was your first job, and what is something it taught you?

My first job in the health care field was as a support worker for adults with special needs. That position taught me a lot about responsibility, perseverance and above all else, compassion and understanding. My time spent with that organization cemented my passion for health care and desire to pursue work in this field. 

5. What are your future aspirations?

As I move forward I hope to continue learning, growing and working within a field that provides me with deep personal fulfillment. I’m also a continuous learner, and look forward to pursuing further educational opportunities and learning from incredible leaders and mentors.
Amelia Schofield

Fun Fact:

I love to garden. I live on an acreage and have a number of large flower beds and a vegetable garden. It’s my happy place. I find it so rewarding and therapeutic.